Time and again, when a politician inaugurates any large project or a scheme for the citizen it catches all the local and national headlines and is often referred to as a “gift”. I object to such development works or schemes being called “gifts”. I find this term rather insulting. It sounds as if the government is doing something out of its kindness and we the poor citizen are helpless without this esteemed favor. Some media houses go to the extent of calling such schemes Diwali bumper gift or mega gift . The government is neither a corporate to give us any bumper schemes nor a Me ssiah, who is doing all these works out of his pocket. All these schemes and projects are borne out of the taxes paid by honest citizens of India. So I do not see any point in calling these gifts. Our representatives must provide us schemes; we merely vote them to power to hear their speeches. In fact, the citizens bear the expense of these politicians. A handsome amount o...
Just random stuff.