Does advertising really help consumers in making well considered choices ? What is one thing that you come across everywhere, no matter whether you are at home, in the market, on a highway, a train, watching a movie or in a flight? It is the advertisement. You get to see them in form of television ads, you tube ads, pamphlets, in the newspaper, billboards and so on. Excitingly, we are surrounded by advertisement all around us because as a popular saying goes, " jo dikhta hai, wahi bikta hai ". The main purpose of advertisement is to sell. Companies have been running advertisement for time immemorial with some television ads like "washing powder nirma" becoming part of our life. The advertisement industry has evolved with time and digitalisation. Instead of radio or television, now we get to see numerous ads , which is truely irritating, on you tube, while reading online news articles, playing games or even listening to music. In fact, I can hardly remember the time...
Just random stuff.