On 24th February, President Ram Nath Kovind inaugurated the refurbished Sardar Patel Stadium located in Ahmedabad, Gujrat. This stadium is now the largest cricket stadium in the world and can accommodate 1.32 lakh spectators. This stadium has been renamed after the sitting Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi and the stadium will now be called Narendra Modi stadium. This stadium is a part of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Sports enclave.
All this has given rise to great controversy on the social media and micro-blogging site Twitter. People gave mixed reactions to name a stadium after the present-day Prime Minister. Some people assume it to be an insult to the great Indian freedom fighter Sardar Patel. Many have criticized PM Modi for allegedly naming the stadium after himself. Some cricket enthusiasts do not bother about the name of the stadium but are looking forward to the India vs England 2021 test cricket match.
How justified is it to name a stadium after a sitting Prime Minister? Well, there lies no definite answer to it. It has been a trend in India to name places after the former Prime Ministers of India. The purpose of this is to remember their work and contribution to society. But how right is it to name a place after the present PM? Could it not have been better if the stadium had been named after certain freedom fighters or great sports stars? Definitely, there is no absolute answer to it. The ruling party, as well as the opposition parties, have a different viewpoint on this which is nothing but pure politics. For now, the truth is that the stadium will be called Narendra Modi stadium.
If we leave apart naming the stadium after Narendra Modi, the greater concern is that why are the bowling points named after Reliance and Adani? Is it the start of a new trend to name spots after crony capitalist? No, that's not the case. It has been clearly stated by the Vice-President of Gujrat Cricket Association that the pavilions are named on the basis of sponsorship. Reliance has sponsored the north pavilion and Adani groups have sponsored the south. This is the entire case and there is nothing to do with the political outrage about naming the pavilions after allegedly "capitalist friends of PM Modi".
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